Summer Maintenance Guide in Mechanicsburg, OH

Summer Maintenance | Dave Kehl Chevrolet | Mechanicsburg, OH

With summer comes road trips under open skies. To make sure you get to your destination safely, it’s a good idea to inspect your car for anything that may cause trouble — or better yet, get it inspected by professionals.

As you prepare for summer, these are the top maintenance items to watch for.

Tire pressures and health

Properly inflated tires are critical to ensuring your vehicle rides safely, comfortably, and efficiently. Tire pressure declines over time and fluctuates along with outside temperatures. For the best overall performance, ensure your tires are up to the manufacturer’s recommended pressure. And while you’re at it, check for cracks, gouges, or bulges in the rubber — and use the quarter test to see if there’s enough tread to drive safely.

Braking system performance

Other than the tires, your car’s brakes are its top safety system. Listen for unusual noises while braking, such as squealing — or worse, grinding. Pay attention to the behavior of the car while slowing down, especially when braking hard. Does it pull to one side? Does it vibrate? These could be signs your braking system needs maintenance. A service technician can check the pads, rotors, drums, and other components to ensure everything is working well.

Check all the fluids

Your car uses a number of fluids to keep its parts running smoothly. Engine oil, coolant, transmission fluid, power steering fluid, and braking fluid all play an important role. During summertime, engine oil and coolant are particularly critical, as they are responsible for keeping the engine from overheating. When the temperature climbs above 90 degrees, you’ll be glad to have visited our service center in Mechanicsburg, Ohio, to make sure that doesn’t happen.

Get the A/C inspected

Speaking of 90-degree weather, there’s nothing worse than being stuck in a sweltering car with an air conditioning system that has given up. Opening the windows really only goes so far. If you’ve noticed that your car’s A/C isn’t quite as powerful as it used to be, make sure to get it inspected and reconditioned at Dave Kehl Chevrolet. Even if nothing seems wrong, it doesn’t hurt to get it checked.

Replenish your emergency kit

Do you keep an emergency kit in your car? You should! First-aid supplies, extra batteries, a phone charger, flashlight, rain poncho, and emergency flares or reflectors you can put on the side of the road are always handy to have. It’s always a good idea to replenish your emergency kit between seasons (for instance, make sure the phone charger is actually charged!) as well as to tailor it for the season ahead. In the summer, the most important one is water. Keep drinking water in your car at all times. Even if it gets warm, that’s better than no water at all.

Check belts and hoses

The belts and hoses that keep your car’s systems running are prone to cracking, glazing, or leaking after extensive use. However, it can be hard to tell that anything’s wrong until it’s too late, particularly on modern cars. Get your belts and hoses inspected at your next car checkup in Mechanicsburg, and if it’s been 60,000 miles since the last time, you’ll probably want to get the drive belts replaced.

Replace wiper blades

Summer is the wettest season of the year, and after an icy winter, your wipers may have lost some of their ability to keep things clear for you. This is probably the easiest maintenance item on the list, but it’s still an important one — you need to be able to see from behind the wheel, after all!


Schedule a service appointment at Dave Kehl Chevrolet in Mechanicsburg, Ohio, and let us know you want to get your car ready for summer. Our expert technicians will make sure your car is in the best possible condition!

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